Meeting in Athens launches Greek edition of Aldabonazo

ATHENS, Greece—"This book … contains many materials that haven’t been published before,” said Aramis Fuente Hernández, Cuba’s ambassador to Greece. Fuente presented opening remarks at a February 24th gathering to celebrate the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and for the launch of the newly published Greek edition of Aldabonazo, Inside the Cuban Revolutionary Underground 1952-58 by Armando Hart. The event was organized by Diethnes Vima, the book’s publisher in Greece.
Nikos Karandreas, president of the Greek-Cuban Friendship Society, also spoke at the meeting. “This new book helps in understanding the dynamics of the Cuban Revolution and it is an important tool for our work in solidarity with it,” he said.
Natasha Terlexi, editor of the Greek edition and president of Diethnes Vima pointed to lessons from the book: how workers and peasants were agents of their own emancipation; the decisive role of a revolutionary leadership which Fidel Castro constructed; and the essential role of a leading organization that laid the seeds for a socialist revolution. She thanked Pathfinder Press in New York for publishing and providing all the material for this book.
- Pathfinder Press