- El imperialismo, fase superior del capitalismo
- El Manifiesto Comunista
- El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el estado
- El renacer de la esperanza
- El rostro cambiante de la política en Estados Unidos
- El segundo asesinato de Maurice Bishop
- El socialismo en el banquillo de los acusados
- El socialismo y el hombre en Cuba
- El trabajo, la naturaleza y la evolución de la humanidad
- El viraje a la industria
- Empiricism and Its Evolution
- Empirismo-pragmatismo
- En defensa de la clase trabajadora norteamericana
- En defensa del marxismo
- En défense de la classe ouvrière américaine
- En défense du marxisme
- Engels on 'Capital'
- Ensayo sobre la teoria marxista del valor
- Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War, 1956–58
- Escritos militares, vol. 1
- Essential Works of Lenin
- Eugene V. Debs Speaks
- Europe and America
- Evolusi Perempuan & Asal Usul Keluarga, Kepemilikan Pribadi Dan Negara [Indonesian]
- Evolusi Perempuan [Indonesian]
- Fascism and Big Business
- Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It
- Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It [Farsi]
- FBI on Trial
- February 1965: The Final Speeches
- Feminism and the Marxist Movement
- Feminism and the Marxist Movement and Is Biology Woman's Destiny? [Farsi]
- Fernando Alonso, el padre del ballet cubano
- Fernando Alonso: The Father of Cuban Ballet
- Fertile Ground: Che Guevara and Bolivia
- Fidel Castro on Chile
- Fidel Castro: Nothing Can Stop the Course of History
- Fighting Racism in World War II
- First Five Years of the Communist International, Volumes 1 & 2
- For a Workers and Farmers Government in the United States
- Founding the Communist International
- Fourth International: Founding, History, and Debates (16-vol set)
- From Mississippi to Boston
- From the Escambray to the Congo
- From the Second American Revolution to the Presidencies of Clinton and Obama [Farsi]
- Genocide against the Indians
- Genocide against the Indians [Farsi]
- Girón: La batalla inevitable
- Granma International: English — 1-Year Subscription
- Granma International: English — 2-Year Subscription
- Granma International: English — 6-Month Subscription
- Granma International: French — 1-Year Subscription
- Granma International: French — 2-Year Subscription
- Granma International: French — 6-Month Subscription
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- Granma International: Portuguese — 2-Year Subscription
- Granma International: Portuguese — 6-Month Subscription
- Granma International: Spanish — 1-Year Subscription
- Granma International: Spanish — 2-Year Subscription
- Granma International: Spanish — 6-Month Subscription
- Grenada: Workers and Farmers Government
- Ha comenzado el invierno largo y caliente del capitalismo
- Habla Malcolm X
- Habla Nelson Mandela
- Haciendo historia
- Healy's Big Lie
- Heimsvaldasinnar stefna í átt til fasisma og styrjaldar [Icelandic]
- Histoire de la Revolution Russe - part 2
- Histoire de la révolution russe, part 1
- History Will Absolve Me [Greek]
- How Far We Slaves Have Come!
- How Far We Slaves Have Come! [Farsi]
- Humanism and Socialism
- I Will Die the Way I've Lived [Farsi]
- I Will Die the Way I’ve Lived
- Imperialism [Greek]
- Imperialism's March toward Fascism and War
- Imperialism's March Toward Fascism and War [Farsi]
- Imperialism's March Toward Fascism and War [Greek]
- Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
- Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism [Farsi]
- Imperialismens marsch mot fascism och krig [Swedish]
- In Defense of Marxism
- In Defense of Marxism [Farsi]
- In Defense of Revolutionary Centralism
- In Defense of Socialism
- In Defense of Socialism [Greek]
- In Defense of the US Working Class
- In Defense of the US Working Class [Farsi]
- In Defense of the US Working Class [Greek]]
- Independent Black Political Action 1954-78
- Introduction to Marx, Engels, Marxism
- Is Biology Woman's Destiny?
- Is Biology Woman's Destiny? [Farsi]
- Is Biology Woman’s Destiny? [Arabic]
- Is Socialist Revolution in the U.S. Possible? [Farsi]
- Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible?
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- James P. Cannon: A Political Tribute