- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 1
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 10
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 11
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 12
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 13
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 14
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 15
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 16
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 17
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 18
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 19
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 2
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 20
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 21
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 22
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 23
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 24
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 25
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 26
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 27
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 28
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 29
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 30
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 31
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 32
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 33
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 34
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 35
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 36
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 37
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 38
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 39
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 4
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 40
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 41
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 42
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 43
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 44
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 45
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 46
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 47
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 48
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 49
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 50
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 6
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 7
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 8
- Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 9
- Colombia: Fidel Castro on the Debate around Revolutionary Strategy and Lessons of the Cuban Revolution
- Colombia: Fidel Castro sobre el debate acerca de la estrategia revolucionaria y lecciones de la Revolución Cubana
- Communism and the Fight for a Popular Revolutionary Government: 1848 to Today
- Communist Continuity and the Fight for Women's Liberation (3 Parts)
- Comunismo: guerra y paz
- Con la memoria en el futuro (DVD)
- Contra el dogmatismo y el sectarismo en el movimiento obrero
- Contribution to the Critique of the Political Economy
- Cosmetics, Fashion, and the Exploitation of Women
- Cosmetics, Fashions, and the Exploitation of Women [Farsi]
- Cosmetics, Fashions, and the Exploitation of Women [Greek]
- Counter-Mobilization
- Crítica del Programa de Gotha
- Critique of the Gotha Program
- Cuba and Angola
- Cuba and Angola (DVD)
- Cuba and Angola The War for Freedom
- Cuba and Angola The War for Freedom [Greek]
- Cuba and Angola: The War for Freedom [Farsi]
- Cuba and the Coming American Revolution
- Cuba and the Coming American Revolution [Farsi]
- Cuba et la révolution américaine à venir
- Cuba for Beginners
- Cuba y Angola
- Cuba y Angola (DVD)
- Cuba y Angola la guerra por la libertad
- Cuba y la revolución norteamericana que viene
- Cuba's Internationalist Foreign Policy
- Cuba's Role in Southern Africa [Greek]
- Cuba-USA: The Revolution Can't Be Bought Off [Greek]
- Cuban Publications
- Cyprus: Imperialism Is the Obstacle to Reunification and Independence [Greek]
- De första skotten i tredje världskriget: Washingtons angrepp på Irak [Swedish]
- De la sierra del Escambray al Congo
- Defense Policies and Principles of the Socialist Workers Party
- Democracy and Revolution
- Discursos pronunciados en los congresos del Partido (1918-1922)
- Dos tácticas de la socialdemocracia en la revolución democrática
- Dynamics of the Cuban Revolution
- Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
- El ascenso y el ocaso de la revolución nicaragüense
- El Capital, Volume 1
- El capital, Volume 2
- El capital, Volume 3
- El capitalismo y la transformación de África
- El carácter organizativo del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores
- El desorden mundial del capitalismo
- El diario del Che en Bolivia
- El dieciocho brumario de Luis Bonaparte
- El historial antiobrero de los Clinton
- El imperialismo norteamericano ha perdido la Guerra Fría