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Trade Unions: Past, Present, and Future
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- Art Preis
- Beatrice Hansen
- Brian Grogan
- Dick Roberts
- Ernie Mailhot
- Eugene V Debs
- Farrell Dobbs
- Fred Halstead
- Frederick Engels
- From the pages of the Militant newsweekly
- George Clarke
- George Novack
- Gregory Zinoviev
- Harry Braverman
- Jack Barnes
- James P Cannon
- Jean Tussey
- Judy Stranahan
- Karl Marx
- Larry Seigle
- Leon Trotsky
- Mary-Alice Waters
- Mother Jones
- Naomi Craine
- Philip S Foner
- Samuel Yellen
- Socialist Workers Party
- Steve Clark
- Tom Kerry
- VI Lenin
- Art and culture
- Black liberation
- Cuban Revolution in the world
- Education for Socialists bulletins
- Farmers and the workers movement
- Fascism and how to fight it
- Jewish Question and Anti-Semitism
- Lenin and the Communist International
- New International magazine
- Revolutionary politics of the working class
- Russia Eastern Europe and Balkans
- The materialist world view
- Trade unions: past present and future
- US politics and history
- Women's emancipation struggle
- Writings of Leon Trotsky
- Writings of Marx and Engels
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