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Steve Clark
Steve Clark (1948– ), a member of the Socialist Workers Party National Committee since 1977, is editorial director of Pathfinder Press and managing editor of New International magazine.
Active from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s in the fight to halt the US war in Vietnam, Clark joined the Young Socialist...
Steve Clark (1948– ), a member of the Socialist Workers Party National Committee since 1977, is editorial director of Pathfinder Press and managing editor of New International magazine.
Active from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s in the fight to halt the US war in Vietnam, Clark joined the Young Socialist Alliance in 1970 and Socialist Workers Party in 1971. He is a leader of the party’s work in solidarity with the socialist revolution in Cuba. He was editor of the Young Socialist magazine (1974–75) and YSA national secretary (1975). He edited the Militant newsweekly (1977–80, 2011–12) and the socialist news magazine Intercontinental Press (1981–84).
Clark is the editor of Malcolm X Talks to Young People and other collections of speeches and writings by Malcolm X, and author of the introductions to Are They Rich Because They’re Smart? and The Clintons’ Anti-Working-Class Record, both by SWP National Secretary Jack Barnes. In July 1980 Clark interviewed Maurice Bishop, central leader of the workers and farmers government in the Caribbean island of Grenada, for the Militant and is editor of Maurice Bishop Speaks: The Grenada Revolution and Its Overthrow, 1979–83 and author of “The Second Assassination of Maurice Bishop” in New International No.6.
Among Clark’s other articles in New International are “Farming, Science, and the Working Classes” and “The Politics of Economics: Che Guevara and Marxist Continuity,” co-authored with Jack Barnes.
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