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- George Fyson
Books with Newly Enhanced Features
What is an enhanced book? Improvements include:
- Larger and more readable type
- More detailed drawings and photos
- Maps that are more understandable
- New and attractive covers added to some
- Glossary or index added
What is an enhanced book? Improvements include:
- Larger and more readable type
- More detailed drawings and photos
- Maps that are more understandable
- New and attractive covers added to some
- Glossary or index added
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- Ahmed Ben Bella
- Argiris Malapanis
- Armando Hart
- Asela de los Santos
- Beatrice Hansen
- Dick Roberts
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- Doug Jenness
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- Ernest Mandel
- Ernesto Che Guevara
- Ernie Mailhot
- Eugene V Debs
- Evelyn Reed
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- Frank Kofsky
- Fred Halstead
- Frederick Engels
- From the pages of the Militant newsweekly
- George Fyson
- George Novack
- Harry Villegas
- Hugo Blanco
- Jack Barnes
- James P Cannon
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- Jonathan Silberman
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- Margaret Jayko
- Martín Koppel
- Mary-Alice Waters
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- Philip S Foner
- Rafael Cancel Miranda
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- Robert Chester
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- Thomas Sankara
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- Tomás Diez Acosta
- VI Lenin
- WEB Du Bois
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- China and Asia and the Pacific
- Cuban Revolution in the world
- Education for Socialists bulletins
- Farmers and the workers movement
- Fascism and how to fight it
- Jewish Question and Anti-Semitism
- Latin America and Caribbean
- Lenin and the Communist International
- Malcolm X in his own words
- Palestine Israel and the Middle East
- Revolutionary politics of the working class
- Russia Eastern Europe and Balkans
- The materialist world view
- Trade unions: past present and future
- US politics and history
- Women's emancipation struggle
- Writings of Leon Trotsky
- Writings of Marx and Engels