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Books for the blind, those with low vision or other reading barriers
Select Pathfinder Press ebooks are now fully accessible to the blind, those with low vision or with other barriers to reading print books. They are available on bookshare.org at no...
Select Pathfinder Press ebooks are now fully accessible to the blind, those with low vision or with other barriers to reading print books. They are available on bookshare.org at no cost to eligible readers.
In addition, several dozen text-only Pathfinder Press ebooks are also available on bookshare.org.
Visit the Bookshare website for information on how to sign up for their service.
What is a fully-accessible Pathfinder Press ebook?
A publisher-quality electronic book with the following accessibility features:
- Table of contents, notes, glossaries, and indexes have links that help readers navigate the contents;
- Page navigation is coded to correspond to the pages in the print edition;
- Short descriptions of each photograph and other illustrations complement the print book captions and help the reader gain a better understanding of the image.
Who are they for? How to get Pathfinder ebooks?
Pathfinder ebooks are available to blind people and those with a reading or perceptual disability, a visual impairment, or a physical condition affecting their reading ability.
These books can be downloaded in different file formats including EPUB3, DAISY, and Braille Ready Format (BRF) files. You can also find them as audiobooks through the Bookshare Reader.
The prices listed below are for print editions only.
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- Abram Leon
- Carlos Tablada
- Dave Prince
- Ernesto Che Guevara
- Evelyn Reed
- Farrell Dobbs
- Fidel Castro
- Frederick Engels
- George Novack
- Jack Barnes
- James P Cannon
- Karl Marx
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- Mary-Alice Waters
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- Education for Socialists bulletins
- Farmers and the workers movement
- Fascism and how to fight it
- Jewish Question and Anti-Semitism
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- Lenin and the Communist International
- New International magazine
- Palestine Israel and the Middle East
- Revolutionary politics of the working class
- Russia Eastern Europe and Balkans
- The materialist world view
- Trade unions: past present and future
- US politics and history
- Women's emancipation struggle
- Writings of Leon Trotsky
- Writings of Marx and Engels